Women in Business
“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and herself only." —Maya Angelou
The celebration of women’s history began informally in 1978 in California as a way to recognize what it means to be a woman. It started as a way to celebrate women’s contributions to society, culture, arts, and history. Over time, the celebration became more formal with President Jimmy Carter declaring a week for “Women’s History Week” during his presidency. The US Congress then passed a resolution to establish the national celebration.
Since it’s International Women’s Month, we wanted to take an opportunity to share a little bit about who we are at Flywheel Marketing. As a woman-owned company, we reflect on what it means to be a woman in today’s culture and how that impacts the way we do business
1. What does being a woman mean to you?
Amber: “Being a woman means strength and ability to adapt at the drop of a hat. Speaking of hats, women wear many, everyday, interchangeably and in tandem.”
Kerynne: “Being a woman is equal parts strength and meekness. Having the strength to go after my dreams and yet at the same time embracing my meekness has given me the freedom to not apologize for my tenacity and at the same time, realizing that I can't do it all alone.”
Carly: “Being a woman means embracing the role of caregiver, nurturer, and leader. It means flexibility, generosity and graciousness.”
2. How has your perspective changed over the years about what it means to be a woman?
Amber: “I was raised by my mom for my younger years. I saw her hustle; I saw her work hard and be a provider. She set a high bar for me. As I’ve grown, I have had the privilege, though with sacrifice, to be a stay at home, work from home mom. I’ve learned that the place for women is everywhere. Not just at home, not just at work, but in all places that she needs to be.”
Kerynne: “I thought women had to be one of the other. You were either a working woman or a care taker. As I have raised my own children, I have come to appreciate how my Mom and Nana struck the balance of being everything to everyone without us even knowing it. I am so blessed to be supported by a husband who has given me the opportunity to find my balance of wife, mom, business owner and athlete. Some days are harder than others but those days are part of the journey. Women are amazing! I firmly believe all women have a purpose.”
Carly: “I watched my mother work much of her life. She didn’t have a college degree (she always said she would love to be a nurse), but everywhere she worked she was praised for her ability to learn quickly and do everything required of her. She was good at connecting and networking. As a homeschool mom who used to work outside the home, my understanding of who God made me to be has shaped so much of how I view women. When we recognize that God made women to - yes, be leaders, but also to be servants - it gives such peace in the mundane tasks required everyday. By serving my family, I pray that I am leading our kids to see their uniqueness and be obedient to what God has called them to do.”
3. Who are the women in your life that have shaped you?
Amber: “My mom, my sister and my friends have all taught me so much and helped me be the woman I am today.”
Kerynne: “As I have raised children of my own, I have come to appreciate the sacrifice and unconditional love my Mom and Nana gave their families. They say like attracts like and when you look at my circle, that is 100% true. I have purposefully surrounded myself with strong women. These women push me, love me and hold me up. Get yourself some wing-women like mine.”
Carly: “My mom, a Sunday school teacher, my first boss, and my friends. They each played different roles in helping me to see who God created me to be and to not be afraid to take necessary risks. “
4. Who is your favorite woman (fictional or real) of history?
Amber: “Deborah from the Bible. She was the first and only female judge. Her leadership, faithfulness and wisdom is how I strive to live and the example I want to be for my own daughters.”
Kerynne: “Just like Amber, one of my favorite women comes from the Bible. Rahab is a woman who exemplifies God's love and mercy. Rahab's is the perfect story of redemption. It reminds that no one is beyond God's love. “
Carly: “Esther is probably my favorite. Her quiet courage and trust in God in a situation that involved great danger to her and her people remind me to always keep my eyes on God no matter what comes.”
It’s an interesting time in society, and as a woman in small business it can be confusing. I’ll admit, as a woman, life has been confusing a lot of the time. It’s not confusing because I don’t know who I am or who I was created to be, but it’s confusing to constantly engage a culture that doesn’t know who women are.
We celebrate women as uniquely created by God to be nurturers, leaders, and servants. We celebrate all the beautiful characteristics of women who are truthful, compassionate, kind, honest and generous.