Building Your Brand
3 things you can do today to do a brand assessment
1. Conduct a marketing assessment.
2. Ask trusted advisors to assess your marketing efforts.
3. Utilize social media to gather information from your clients.
One of our favorite ways to assist clients is through brand establishment. Branding encompasses all things that define your business appearance – a logo, a wordmark, a tag line, and the color scheme on your website/social media/online presence. Branding is a defined way for your business to be perceived.
When you think of Chick-Fil-A, what comes to mind? Immediately I think of the quirky cows and the phrase “it’s my pleasure.” That is branding. While there’s more to it than just the cows and the phrase for CFA, those are key components of the brand. Imagine if they stopped using the beloved cows?!
Businesses with well-established branding help clients to form attachment to the business. Ideally, you want people to identify your business and brand, you want them to attach with your brand, and you want them to be brand loyal. These are the three goals of branding.
If you aren’t sure if you have an established brand, we can certainly help you figure it out.
Here are 3 things you can do today to do a brand assessment.
1. Conduct a marketing assessment.
Look at every piece of marketing material you currently use or have used in the past year for consistency, uniformity and messaging. This includes print items, email, social media and web presence.
Does the marketing/messaging visually appear consistent? Check colors, fonts, and layout.
Does the marketing/messaging set the tone for your business? There should be uniform messaging about your services, what you sell, or what you do.
Does the marketing/messaging use the same language throughout?
Does your brand have a purpose/mission/vision that you actively use throughout your marketing?
Does all of your marketing reflect a consistent visual brand identity?
2. Ask trusted advisors to assess your marketing efforts.
Send an email asking for their honest input on your branding.
What’s lacking?
What’s working?
What’s their perception of your business via your marketing efforts?
3. Utilize social media to gather information from your clients.
Conduct an informal Q&A on stories.
Create a poll regarding components of your brand.
Ask why your followers consistently come back for content.
Ask current clients for a review of your business.
Branding is more than just a logo.
Your logo is important. Your visual appeal is important. Your mission or vision is important. Now more than ever, clients want to do business with individuals who reflect their values. Your brand includes that messaging to clearly communicate what your business is and who you are as a business owner.
There are so many outlets where people can find a business like yours. Your branding either sets you apart and draws people in, or it gets lost in a sea of other businesses like yours.
At Flywheel, we can assist with logo design and brand messaging to help you create a brand that reflects your business purpose, mission and vision. Our goal is to assess what you have that’s working and to help fine-tune it for success. We offer a free consultation and would love to work with you today.