Why You Need to Use Email Marketing
Let’s look at three reasons to use email marketing.
1. Email marketing is targeted and specific to your audience.
2. Email marketing over time leads to conversion from readers to customers.
3. Email marketing boasts an average ROI of $36 for every $1 dollar spent.
With 4 billion daily email users in 2022 (Hubspot), email is still the farthest-reaching mode of communication. In 2022, businesses will spend $9.6 billion dollars on email marketing, and that number is expected to almost double in five years. It’s important to understand the necessity of and the reach available with email marketing. This is an easy marketing piece of the puzzle that you simply can’t ignore, and yet only “66% of businesses report using email marketing to promote their business or communicate with customers.” (AWeber)
1. Email marketing is targeted and specific to your audience.
As people interested in your business find their way to your website, either organically or through a web search, it’s imperative to engage them and subsequently capture their information. Websites should be fine-tuned and optimized to engage customers so much that they want or need to find your website again. Sometimes those pop-up boxes are annoying asking for an email address, but that’s precisely how you collect data in order to communicate with customers over time. If you don’t have an action box requesting email addresses, it’s time to add one today. Offer a free gift in exchange for information. Think of the times that you willingly give out your email address to a business. Is it because you NEED what they’re offering or because they offer something FREE in exchange? Find a way to add value to future customers in exchange for their email address.
2. Email marketing over time leads to conversion from readers to customers.
Email marketing is the best way to reach your audience and convert them from potential customers to paying customers. Constant Contact reports that “60% of consumers say they’ve made a purchase as the result of a marketing email they received.”
3. Email marketing boasts an average ROI of $36 for every $1 dollar spent. (Constant Contact)
At the end of the day, for every dollar you spend on any type of marketing, you’re seeking the best ROI possible. Social media marketing averages about $2 for every $1 dollar spent, so it’s a significant difference. Social media is essential, but that’s not the topic for today. (Neal Schaffer)
A quick website checkup is in order to be sure that you’re making the most of what’s available to you. Set up a call-to-action box where you can capture email addresses from the start. Offering something free in return (a download, a recipe, a discount on products) is a great way to capture information.
At Flywheel Marketing we work hard to help our clients secure a high ROI for their marketing dollars. Sometimes that is simple web optimization and utilizing tools you’ve overlooked. Sometimes our work with clients is much more in-depth. Whatever your needs, we’re here to help you today. Click the button below for a free consultation to determine how we can best serve you.