3 Reasons Businesses Need Email Marketing

Email marketing is a beneficial and cost-effective communication tool for businesses to use with customers. Email marketing has an average of 0.17% unsubscribe rate, though it varies across industries. That means that less than 1% of people who subscribe to an email list will unsubscribe from it. As a business owner, this is an important piece of information to use to strategically reach an audience who is already interested in your product or service.

Let’s look at our top 3 reasons why email marketing or an e-newsletter is necessary for your business.

  1. Email marketing or E-newsletters have a larger reach.

  2. Email marketing reaches its target.

  3. Email marketing is the preferred communication method.

Email marketing or E-newsletters have a larger reach.

With the number of users of social media platforms so high, it’s tempting to think that social media is the best way to market your business. While we strongly encourage businesses to use social media as one piece of their marketing strategy, it’s important to recognize that email marketing has a larger reach. “According to a study tracking email user statistics since 1993, the number of email users is set to top 4.48 billion worldwide in 2024.” Facebook currently has 3 billion active users and Instagram has 2 billion, so with current use, email marketing is double these platforms. If someone goes online to do almost anything, they have an email address they use as needed. Given the number of email users, this marketing strategy has a much wider reach.

As a business owner, it’s important to work strategically at collecting email addresses from current customers to build a strong email network. Think of why customers would be willing to share their email addresses, and then use that to build your email marketing strategy. 

Email marketing reaches its target.

If business owners have to choose between a Facebook follower or an email subscriber, they should go for the email subscriber. Facebook posts do not always reach followers given the algorithm used by Facebook to benefit paid advertisers. If businesses collect correct email addresses, they have a much higher chance of the emails being delivered and seen by the intended audience.

If a customer provides an email address to you, they are permitting you to send them emails. There are strict regulations related to SPAM, so businesses should be cautious in using email marketing prudently. These customers want email from your company and this is just one hurdle to overcome in reaching your audience. Now that you have this data, use it well.

Email marketing is the preferred communication method.

As a consumer, email marketing is the preferred method of communication. Individuals use email over social media for many reasons. Email is used to communicate and social media is used to connect. Communication and connection are two different things. As a business, you can provide valuable information to your customers directly using email. For example, consumers may be interested in a business’s product and sign up for emails. When the right sale or time to purchase comes around, they often see it in their email. While they are not actively looking to purchase, they are waiting for the sale announcement to pull the trigger. Many purchases are made this way, and if a business is not using email marketing, they are missing out. 

How to use email marketing.

There are many email marketing options available to manage customer information. Our next post will give you recommendations on which you should consider. Email marketing can be straightforward or fun and fancy. It should communicate specific information beneficial to the customer and include a call to action. Our team at Flywheel can assist you with email marketing campaigns that provide a good ROI and deliver results. We would love to work with you. Click the button for a free consultation and quote on getting started with our complete digital marketing services. 


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